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Bollywood on ABC Nightline...

ABC Nightline is doing a story on Bollywood tonight(Friday, Jan 14th) at 11:35pm EST ( what a time half of America would be drunk and drowsy). The show features interviews by Hrithik Roshan, Priety Zinta and of course, Aishwarya Rai. Aishwarya Rai is doing her best to share the bed with Bond but she has miles to go before she can sleep.
It would be poetic justice if ABC would also carry the views of my good friend KD who has started blogging and had the following comment about Bollywood..

"Bollywood movies are like porn, even the worst plots will have an audience"

"Aishwarya Rai is doing her best to share the bed with Bond but she has miles to go before she can sleep. aptly puttin things..." an apt way of puttin things the right way...... i like the robert frost style.... BIPIN

These posts are not intended for kids like you....

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