Some of you might be reading this just a few hours before the final election debate between Dubya and JFK ( John F Kerry. In fact it is pretty interesting that he shares his initials with John F Kennedy because Kerry is a self confessed fan of the former President. In one of the interviews, he even says he used to sign off asJFK while in high school due to his huge admiration for the real JFK). This debate will focus on domestic issues and we can hear some stuff that we haven't heard already. If any of you need to know the candidates' stand on various issues , here is a neat page - "Election Issues Explained".
Have a nice time watching the debate. For the sundevils reading my blog, watch out for our campus on TV. I was watching a MSNBC show tonight filmed before Hayden Library in ASU. pretty cool, huh!
Have a nice time watching the debate. For the sundevils reading my blog, watch out for our campus on TV. I was watching a MSNBC show tonight filmed before Hayden Library in ASU. pretty cool, huh!