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India Shining???- Please give me the person who called the campaign.....

Hi Sudarshan,
I did feel there was quite a lot of development during the BJP's reign. I did not see that in any of previous congress ones. India cannot become developed overnight. It will take years assuming and I beleive BJP will did a better job than congress for it.
Let us give some credit to BJP.

Welcome back!!
1. I am not a big fan of any political party in India right now. I will criticize any Govt. if I think they don't do the needful to the people who need it the most.

Yes we developed. But, if you measure development in terms of number of people who use cellphones, number of people who drive expensive cars etc. But I think many of their policies were anti poor. Their policies like water privatization would have killed us. Much like salt tax of the british raj.

They were building IT parks, Water parks, Bio parks everywhere around the country but did little, very little to reduce the increasing number of farmer suicides in the villages.

I will put up a seperate post here as to why I think India wasn't shining because I don't want the data to be lost in the comments section....

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