I sat ruminating last night over the ephemeralness of life. Last night, as I watched ASU, I was overcome with a sense of pride and emotion. I felt a belonging there. Although, I endured some stiff times in Tempe, I never felt I did not belong there. In the Bay Area, things don't seem to gel as they did in Tempe or maybe time is the best healer. This sudden wave of nostalgia burgeoned early last evening when I read something about those days in high school - when school reopened in June and in the last week of May we attempted to write some holiday homework foolishly believing that they would check on the first day, when we used to line up for morning prayers and a certain dude would call out "attention" "stand at ease", when we chased our friends around corridors and returned back to classrooms with sweat drenching shirts, when we watched cricket matches in the house next door to school during intervals and lunch, when we used to crave for quarterly, half yearly and annual holidays, when we used to cut classes to prepare for Independence day, Annual day etc.
Gone are those days!!!!
Gone are those days!!!!